Taken from our May 2023 Newsletter

Spring has been a bit delayed in arriving - what we associate with spring anyway. The temperatures have not been very spring-like this month. We are still having chilly days despite the sunshine and nature doesn't seem to be at full throttle, just yet! Beltane is upon us and the days here in the UK should be glorious!
Nature's growth is there but not quite as it should be for this time of year. Come on warmer days - we and our lands need you - enough with the rainfall and the chilly winds!
Spotted out in the hedgerows this month are red dead nettles, cow parsley, nettles, bluebells, celendine and wild garlic. Birds are busy gathering nesting materials and Mr Blackbird sings loud and proud first thing in the morning, which is quite lovely to hear.
Wood sorrel and an abundance of dandelions are also welcoming colours on a spring day.
I've heard the call of a cuckoo, which is said to herald the true beginning of Spring.
Trees and shrubs are full of leaf now and many are in blossom. The sparseness of the hedgerows has gone and has been replaced by lots of beautiful greenery of all kinds.
Lets hope that I report on some warmer days next month.