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Kitchen Witch

VIOLET by StormloverWolf

Viola odorata

Other Names: Sweet Violet, Blue Violet, Wild Violet but not the “African violet”.

Gender: Feminine Planet: Venus Element: Water Deity: Venus Type: Perennial Best Light: Part Sun to Full Shade Zones: 3 – 9

Language: Sweet innocence, modesty

Magical Powers: Luck, love, protection, wishes, peace and healing.

Magical Uses: When you carry violets with you they are protective as well as they can bring luck to you. If you mix violets with lavender, they can be a wonderful addition to love magic as well as adding to your bath water for either a ritual bath or when getting ready to see “someone special”.

Having violets grow wild in your yard adds happiness and joy to all that gather and play there. They are a big favourite with the Fae, and at certain times, if you are very still and quiet you might be able to see some of them playing amongst the petals and leaves.

Violet is another one that can help calm both headaches and tension if you put a drop or two of violet oil on your temples. If there is tension in your home, bring in some and scatter around the house in small vases. The violet has been associated with love and affection since Venus and Aphrodite enchanted the ancient Greeks.

Violets were a symbol of fertility to the ancient Greeks and was one of the more popular perfume scents used in Victorian England.

Though violets are considered weeds today, it is used well in faery magic and cultivated for both its perfume and colour. It has been added to cosmetics, drinks, syrups and sugar petalled candy, tossed in salads, decorating cakes and cupcakes and putting fresh blooms inside of ice cubes for a lovely decoration in drinks.

Ritual to the Fae:

To get acquainted with Faery folk, choose a place outside where you can build a small altar. Use your imagination! Rocks, small pieces of wood to use as seats for them. Choose a quiet area not disturbed by children or animals. You can use tea light candles as long as you are present and stay right with them. Leave an offering of violets and lavender with maybe some small cakes with honey.

While lighting your candles say:

“Gentle flower faeries from near and far, Come and watch over my back yard. Bless these herbs and fragrant flowers, Fill them with your loving power. Late at night when fireflies glow, Use your magic to make them grow. By the power of the stars, moon and sun, Do as I will, and it harm none!"

When you are done, relax perhaps enjoy a bit of wine and observe the night and just “be”. Take candles inside when you go, and you can leave any leftover cake for the Fae to enjoy.


These beauties seem to just pop up all over the place. As I said, today these little beauties are considered a weed and quite frankly they are hardy little buggers. However, I adore them, and I am hoping that over time, they will spread throughout my whole lawn. Their scent is heavenly, especially when you mow as it just touches the tops and you can smell the freshness they bring. I love to lay down on them with the pups in the spring; their heady scent can just “take you away” if you let it.

They do grow in sun, but as the temp gets hotter they die back, but if in the shade they prosper and grow huge!! They are my first sign of spring that I look for each year. They transplant easily so if you see some, dig them up and bring these lovelies into your yards.

Image - RHS

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