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Stirring Up Some Magic by Heather

As the colder months approach, I like to change up my skin moisturising and use this as a time to work some magic for the coming season.

For me this involves experimenting with potions, combining ingredients which resonate with me this year.  However, when I haven’t been able to do the full concoction brewing, I have used my intuition and purchased a cream or lotion, which I have then put my intention into.

So, for those unable to make a cream from scratch, my process is simply to ground and centre myself, light a candle, state my intention, open the new product and state again my intention into the container, then put the lid back on.  I will sit for a while with the product and the candle, visualising what my plans are, writing down what comes to mind in my journal.  Thanking the energies around me, I will either snuff the candle out or leave to burn down, whichever is safe.  Each time I use the product, I will again state my intention.  Once the container is empty, I thank the product and repeat this ritual.

When I can, I do like making lotions and potions, the process of choosing ingredients to match my intentions from my stores of herbs, oils and butters, using my intuition as to what will be beneficial this time, I find very satisfying. This year the herbs that leapt out are both from my garden, dried during the summer.  The oil and butters were ones I had in my cupboard which stood out to me as I was planning.

Magical Properties

Rose – love, psychic powers, healing, protection, luck, peace, knowledge, dreams, friendship, cycles of life, abundance.

Lavender – happiness, peace, love, protection, sleep, clarity, strength.

Grapeseed oil – abundance, spirituality, happiness, conviviality.

Shea butter – healing, nurturing, abundance, protection, love, intuition, psychic powers.

This is where it is difficult to describe, because I do this bit by estimating, so the amount of oil is enough that it just covers the herbs.  In a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, I let the herbs infuse into the oil for one to two hours, depending on how it feels.

The butter I melted in another bowl over a saucepan of simmering water.  Combine the two and leave to cool to room temperature.  The approximate amounts are for one part butter, add half that weight of oil.

Whisk the mixture until it is light and airy, consistency similar to whipped cream.  Spoon into sterilised jars, label and store in a cool dark place until ready to use. 

You can see a chat about this here


A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Plants & Herbs by Rachel Patterson

A Kitchen Witch’s World of Magical Food by Rachel Patterson

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