Decorate your altar with symbols of the season including a gold/red or white candle in the centre. Don't light your candle yet!
You will need:
A lighter or matches
A candle for Yule
something to eat and drink
If you usually cast a circle, do so now in your preferred way. If you don't normally cast a circle, purify the area first by smudging or asperging.
Below is my way of casting a circle which you are welcome to use.
Walk deosil (clockwise) around your circle saying:
'I cast this circle with golden light
as the sun is reborn after the longest night.
The darkness will slowly fall away
as the sun return to us this day.'
Face the North and say:
'Guardian of the North, element of earth
deep within you hold the promise of new life
strong roots, seeds and bulbs,
waiting for the rebirth of the sun
you bring the gifts of growth and fertility
at this time of rebirth
Hail and Welcome
Face the East and say:
'Guardian of the East, element of air
the chill winds blow
shedding the last golden leaves from the trees
you bring the gifts of new beginnings and change
as the wheel turns once more
Hail and welcome.'
Face the South and say:
'Guardian of the South, element of fire
the sun is reborn
bringing light to the dark days of winter
the spark of life, growth and transformation
giving us hope and the promise of warmer days to come
Hail and welcome.'
Face the West and say:
'Guardian of the West, element of water
Grey clouds, heavy with rain
bringing fertility and new life to the Earth
nurturing the roots, seeds and bulbs deep within the soil
waiting for the cycle of growth
Hail and welcome.'
Invite the deities of your choice, saying something like:
Mother Goddess
You have carried the seed of potential within
and nurtured it through the changing seasons
at this time of rebirth and light
I rejoice in your gift of life and welcome the rebirth of the Sun
Hail and Welcome
Lord of the Sun
I celebrate your return to the earth
the promise of light and life that you bring
at this time of hope and promise
I rejoice in your gift of life and welcome the rebirth of the Sun
Hail and Welcome
Turn off any lights and sit before your altar in the darkness.
Reflect on what has happened over the last 12 months; be thankful for the good things, release the bad bits and make plans for the coming year.
When you are ready light your Yule candle. Gaze at it for a few moments and visualise it surrounded by a warm golden glow......... take a few slow deep breathes, breathing in the golden glow and feel it spreading throughout your whole body bringing with it feelings of peace and joy. Let any stress and worry melt away as you continue to relish in the peaceful energy swirling around your body, from your head to your toes, warming and calming you. Take note of any thoughts or words that come to you and when you are ready, visualise the golden glow slowly descend through your body and drain out of your feet and into the earth, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed.
Have something to eat and drink, saving a portion of each as an offering to your gods and/or ancestors.
Face the West and say:
'Guardian of the West, element of water
thank you for watching over and protecting me during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Face the South and say:
'Guardian of the South, element of fire
thank you for watching over me and protecting me during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Face the East and say:
'Guardian of the East, element of air
thank you for watching over me during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Face the North and say:
'Guardian of the North, element of earth
thank you for watching over me during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Face your altar and say:
'Lord of the Sun
thank you for watching over me during my ritual
and sharing with me your gifts of light and life
stay if you will, go if you must
Hail and Farewell'
'Mother Goddess
thank you for watching over me during my ritual
and sharing with me your gifts of rebirth and growth
Stay if you will, go if you must
Hail and Farewell.'
Walk widdershins (anticlockwise) around your circle saying:
'The circle is open but unbroken
Blessed Be'
Photo by Mariana B. on Unsplash