Solitary Spring Equinox Ritual to bring Balance to your life
I have always called this festival the Spring Equinox, but if you prefer Ostara then you are welcome to change the words. I have also deliberately not given one name to the Deities that I call as that is personal for all of us, if you prefer to call in particular Spring deities, then again feel free to adapt the ritual.
Decorate your altar with symbols of Ostara:
Decorated eggs, Spring flowers, seeds and anything you are drawn to add
1 black and 1 white candle.
If you wish to add crystals and/or herbs then go with your intuition
A fireproof container
matches or a lighter
Two sheets of paper and a pen
Something to eat and drink (chocolate is good)
If you usually cast a circle, do so now in your preferred way. If you don't normally cast a circle purify the area first by smudging or asperging. Below is my way of casting a circle which you are welcome to use if you want.
Walk deosil ( clockwise) around your circle saying:
'I cast this circle thrice about to cleanse this space and keep harm out Goddess bless this work I do Into my circle I invoke you As I will my circle cast between the worlds I safely pass.'
*Turn to the East*
' Spirits of the East, element of air you are Spring, new beginnings and the breath of life at this time of year you bring the dawn chorus that wakens us in the mornings and the blustery spring breezes blowing away the dark days of winter you are wisdom, knowledge and inspiration I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and Welcome.'
* Turn to the South*
'Spirits of the South, element of fire you are Summer, passion and creativity at this time of year you bring the Sun, growing in strength and warming the earth waking the hibernating animals from their winter sleep you are courage, transformation and confidence I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and Welcome.'
*Turn to the West*
'Spirits of the West, element of water you are Autumn, healing and emotions at this time of year you bring the Spring showers, fertilizing the earth and bringing new growth to the land you are reflection, intuition and love I ask you to watch over me during my ritual Hail and Welcome.'
* Turn to the North*
'Spirits of the North, element of earth you are Winter, strength and stability at this time of year you bring Spring flowers and buds bursting on trees heralding the return of life to the land you are fertility, growth and grounding I ask you to watch over me during my ritual.' Hail and Welcome.'
* Face your altar*
'Maiden Goddess of Spring, you are known by many names Eostre, Flora, Persephone and many more. As the days lengthen and the sun warms the earth you bring new life and growth to the land spring flowers, blossom and catkins herald the return of spring hibernating animals awaken from their winter sleep and hares leap madly in the fields. I thank you for this time of potential and promise and invite you to join me in my Spring Equinox ritual.'
' 'Gods of fertility and growth, you are known by many names Pan, Dionysus, Cernunnos and many more As the sun is growing in strength and throwing back the shackles of winter. the sap is rising and all of nature is stirring your union with the goddess brings fertility to all of nature I thank you for this time of balance and transformation and invite you to join me in my Spring Equinox ritual.'
Light your black candle, gaze at the flame and think about all the things that you wish to leave behind with the dark days of winter. Write them down on one of your pieces of paper.
Light the list from the black candle and drop it into the heatproof container while saying:
'As the sun casts away the dark days of winter I cast away all that is no longer useful to me.'
Light the white candle , gaze at the flame and think about all the things you wish to invite into your life or achieve with the returning light and life of spring.
Write them down on the other piece of paper and fold it up as small as possible. Place it on your altar beside the white candle and say:
'With the returning light and life, I welcome new wishes, hopes, dreams, balance and inspiration into my life. May it be so!'
Have something to eat and drink, saving a portion of both as an offering to the gods.
When you are ready, turn to the North and say:
'Spirits of the North, element of earth, thank you for watching over me during my Spring Equinox ritual Hail and farewell.'
*Turn to the West*
'Spirits of the West, element of water, thank you for watching over me during my Spring Equinox ritual Hail and farewell.'
*Turn to the South*
'Spirits of the South, element of fire, thank you for watching over me during my Spring Equinox ritual Hail and farewell.'
*Turn to the East*
'Spirits of the East, element of air, thank you for watching over me during my Spring Equinox ritual. Hail and farewell.'
*Face your altar*
'Gods of fertility and growth, thank you for joining me in my ritual for bringing life and fertility to all of nature Hail and Farewell.'
'Maiden goddess of Spring, thank you for joining me in my ritual for bringing potential and promise to the earth Hail and Farewell.'
Walk Widdershins ( anti-clockwise) around your circle saying:
'The circle is open but unbroken.'
Blessed Be!