Decorate your altar with symbols of Beltane, the list below is just to give you a few ideas:
A large candle, preferably red or green
Seasonal flowers
A small maypole
Image or statue of the Horned God/Green Man and the Goddess
For this ritual you will need:
Plant pot
Enough soil or compost to fill the pot
Rose petals
Wild flower seeds
Crystal or stone of your choice
Pen and paper
Something to eat and drink.
If you usually cast a circle, do so now in your preferred way. If you don't normally cast a circle purify the area first by smudging or asperging. Below is my way of casting a circle which you are welcome to use if you want.
Walk deosil (clockwise) around your circle saying:
'I cast this circle thrice about
to cleanse this space and keep harm out
Goddess bless this work I do
Into my circle I invoke you
As I will my circle cast
between the worlds I safely pass.'
*Turn to face the North and say:
'Guardian of the North, element of Earth
the land is fertile once more, the crops are growing in the fields
and all of nature is bursting with life
I ask you to share with me your gifts of fruitfulness and manifestation
and watch over me during my ritual
Hail and Welcome'
*Turn to face the East and say:
'Guardian of the East, element of Air
the air is alive with birds, butterflies and bees
Blossom blowing in the warm Spring breeze
I ask you to share with me your gifts of inspiration and wisdom
and watch over me during my ritual
Hail and welcome'
*Turn to face the South and say:
'Guardian of the South, element of Fire
the union of the God and Goddess brings fertility to the land
Beltane fires and the spark of life
I ask you to share with me your gifts of passion and vitality
and watch over me during my ritual
Hail and welcome'
*Turn to face the West and say:
'Guardian of the West, element of Water
the Spring showers, that fertilise the earth
Sacred wells and healing springs
I ask you to share your gifts of love and compassion
and watch over me during my ritual
Hail and welcome'
* Turn to face your altar, light your candle and incense if you are using any and say:
'Goddess of Spring, you have reached fulness
your union with the horned god
brings forth the spark of all life
and brings growth and renewal to the land.
All of nature is bursting with the potential of new life
the leaves are budding on the trees
and colourful flowers decorate the land
I stand before you to celebrate the abundance of the fertile earth
and thank you for bringing fertility and renewal to the land.
Hail and welcome'
'Horned God, Lord of the wildwood
Green man in the trees
you are the potent life force
that brings fruitfulness to the land
you are the hunter and the prey
the stag in rut
untameable and instinctive
I stand before you to celebrate the potency and passion of your union
and thank you for bringing fertility and renewal to the land
Hail and welcome'
Sit and think about something that you really need/want in your life. Don't be selfish or try to control others. When you are ready, visualise your wish as if it has already happened. Keep the image firmly in your mind’s eye and write your wish on your piece of paper. Now fold the paper in half towards you to bring your wish to you, turn it and fold it again towards you, keep turning and folding the paper in this way until you can't fold it anymore.
Sprinkle some of the earth into your pot. Place your wish on top of the soil. Cover with another layer of earth until the pot is almost full. Mix the rose petals and seeds together and scatter over the earth. Cover with a final thin layer of earth. Gently water your seeds without flooding them.
Hold the crystal in your hands and visualise your wish coming true again. Say:
'As these seeds begin to grow
let the magic start to flow
may this wish come true for me
as I will, so mote it be!'
Now you can enjoy your feast, keeping some by as an offering to the earth.
When you are ready turn to face the West and say:
' Guardian of the West, element of water
thank you for sharing your gifts and watching over me during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Face the South and say:
'Guardian of the South, element of fire
thank you for sharing your gifts and watching over me during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Face the East and say:
' Guardian of the East, element of air
thank you for sharing your gifts and watching over me during my ritual
Hail and farewell'
Face the North and say:
'Guardian of the North, element of earth
thank you for sharing your gifts and watching over me during my ritual
Hail and farewell'
Face your altar and say:
'Horned God, Lord of the wildwood
I thank you for bringing the spark of life back to the land
and for your presence during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
'Goddess of Spring,
I thank you for bringing growth and renewal to the land
and for your presence during my ritual
Hail and Farewell'
Walk Widdershins (anti-clockwise) around your altar saying:
' The circle is open but unbroken'
Don't forget to leave a suitable offering for the spirits of the land.