Decorate your altar with symbols of the season and symbols or photos of anything or anyone you are grateful for in your life. You will also need:
A piece of paper
A small container, this can be a jar, box, pouch or envelope.
A mix of a few herbs associated with gratitude (or any herbs you feel drawn to use) in a small dish or jar.
For example:
Something to eat and drink.
Cast the circle in your preferred way. This is the method I usually use but feel free to use your own words. If you don't normally cast a circle, purify the area first by either smudging or asperging:
' I cast this circle thrice about, to cleanse this space and keep harm out
Goddess bless this work I do, into my circle I invoke you
As I will the circle cast, between the worlds I safely pass.'
Turn facing the East and say:
' Guardian of the East, element of Air, you bring the cool Autumn breeze, thoughts, ideas and inspiration. You are knowledge, intellect and new beginnings. I ask you to share with me your blessings at this time of harvest. Hail and Welcome'
Face the South and say:
'Guardian of the South, element of Fire, you bring the leaping flames of the bonfire, transformation and passion. You are creativity, energy and purification. I ask you to share with me your blessings at this time of harvest. Hail and Welcome'
Face the West and say:
'Guardian of the West, element of Water, you bring the autumn showers, emotions and the ebb and flow of the tides. You are dreams, love and healing. I ask you to share with me your blessings at this time of harvest. Hail and Welcome'
Face the North and say:
Guardian of the North, element of Earth, you bring the fertile soil, wisdom and growth. You are stability, strength and success. I ask you to share with me your blessings at this time of harvest. Hail and Welcome.'
Face the altar and call the deity of your choice:
Mother Earth, I call on you to honour and thank you for the abundant harvest that you have bestowed upon us. Join me if you will as I celebrate the earths bounty and the many blessings in my life. Hail and Welcome.
Lord of the wild, I call on you to honour and thank you for bringing fertility to the land to nourish all creatures throughout the dark days of winter. Join me if you will as I celebrate the earths bounty and the many blessings in my life. Hail and Welcome.
The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon is the second harvest of fruit, berries and vegetables. It is a magical time of year, when the leaves are turning to shades of gold, red and brown and there is a crisp fresh feeling in the early mornings and evenings. From this day the days will grow shorter and cooler.
The abundance of nature is all around us, it is a time to gather in the fruits of our labour and give thanks for the bounty that our beautiful earth has provided.
Now take your pen and paper and write a list of all the things that you are grateful for in your life. Take your time to really think about this...
When you are ready, fold your paper up three times and place it in your container, then sprinkle it with a pinch of herbs and close the container. Keep this somewhere safe where you will see it and add to the list whenever you think of anything else you are grateful for. Whenever you are going through a bad patch or feeling low, you can take out your piece of paper and remind yourself of all the good things in your life.
When you have done this, you can enjoy your feast.
When you are ready, face the North and say:
Guardian of the North, element of Earth, thank you for sharing with me your blessings and watching over me during my ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Guardian of the West, element of water, thank you for sharing with me your blessings and watching over me during my ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Guardian of the South, element of fire, thank you for sharing with me your blessings and watching over me during my ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Guardian of the East, element of air, thank you for sharing with me your blessings and watching over me during my ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Lord of the Wild, thank you for bringing fertility to the land and for joining me in my ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Mother Earth, thank you for the abundant harvest and for joining me in my ritual. Hail and Farewell.
Walk widdershins around your circle saying:
'The circle is open but unbroken'