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Snowflake Epidote by Vanessa Armstrong

Kitchen Witch

Another visit to a crystal shop – this time in the lovely Aristia shop in Albert Road in Southsea – and a new crystal, one that I hadn’t heard of, decided that it wanted to come home with me.

A pretty mottled khaki green colour with a soft and gentle energy. This wonderful stone goes by the name of Snowflake Epidote. Epidote itself is a crystal but apparently this relatively new version has a high proportion of quartz which gives it the unusual mottled snowy effect – hence the name.

Epidote can be found in the USA, Mexico, Russia, France, Norway – phew! – and South Africa, which is where the snowflake version was discovered.

Epidote can also be known as Pistacite – lending its name from its sometimes pistachio green colour. Although green tends to be the most common, epidote can also be black, yellow-green or dark green and ranges from transparent to opaque.

I mentioned earlier that Epidote has a soft and gentle energy. Researching this, I found Epidote is a ‘must have’ if you want to experience good things in your life. It also will work with you so that you can achieve them. Clever eh?!

Its energies will fill you with inspiration – giving you a new zest for life and a ‘get up and get out there’ attitude – life is just too short!

You may seek spiritual growth or attunement – Epidote removes any resistance to this, enhancing your perception.

Do you often feel self critical? Epidote is there to help dispel those feelings. Its helps you to look within and be objective about your strengths and weaknesses. It shows you how to set realistic goals for yourself – moving you away from goals that (for the moment) are not attainable. That way, you are not beating yourself up when you strive to reach too high and feel deflated and disappointed.

Epidote also deals with negativity and those things that come with it – stress and anxiety.

This makes it a good healing crystal as it is also helpful for emotional issues, the nervous and immune systems – thyroid, liver, gallbladder and adrenal glands. Its also aids in digestion and promotes a healthy metabolism.  

Epidote can of course be worked with magically too! Green is connected to abundance and prosperity, so put a piece on your working altar for spell work for those things as well as good luck and good fortune. It is also a wonderful stone for protective properties. Pop one in a charm bag or include in a crystal wheel.

Epidote is a crystal that is connected to the heart chakra. Hold it close to you when you want to rebuild trust in someone and deepen your understanding of yourself and others. Let this crystal break those negative thought patterns and habits, filling the void with positivity and wisdom.  Meditating with it for a few minutes a day is said to give you guidance on any attributes that come to you attention.

The lovely thing about snowflake epidote is because it is combined with quartz, any work that you do with it will be amplified!

Epidote can be cleansed by sunlight, moonlight, with a crystal tuner or by passing it through incense smoke.

Element: Earth and Water Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart Astrological Sign: Gemini



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