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Sachet powder to welcome in Spirit for a séance by Jane Mortimer

The intent for this powder is to invite benevolent spirits in when practising mediumship or holding a séance.

I’m calling it Welcome Spirit Powder, and my ingredients are based on correspondences from Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences, which I’ve had for years but have only just noticed I’ve got!

The correspondences are based on communication, with spirit in particular, and botanicals ruled by Mercury.

Ingredients for Welcome Spirit Powder

2 tsp cornflour

2 tsp sandalwood powder

2 tsp powdered lavender flowers

2 tsp powdered elderflowers

I remember back in the day when chemists used to sell powders for anything from baby colic and teething to flu. Some were mixed with water and some were blown onto the tongue – and probably sneezed straight out! The powders were wrapped in thin paper, one dose per wrap. I’ve recreated this method of wrapping using pieces of aged, hand-made paper from pages removed from a cut ‘n paste journal

to stop it puffing out. The dried flowers were smashed to powder in my old

Moulinette chopper, because their fluffy texture didn’t respond to a pestle and

mortar. Once the ingredients were mixed, I divided the powder between eight wraps, and folded them as near as I could remember to the chemist’s wraps.

Et voila! I think the best way of using this powder would be to blow it into a portal. First we need to know where the portal is in the room – there might be more than one – and that can be ascertained with divining rods. Mine are attuned to finding portals. Then the powder can be blown into the portal with the following incantation:

"Kindly folks no longer mortal,

Hail and welcome through this portal.

Enter in if you’re sincere;

Tricksters are not welcome here.”

If we’re planning to use a spirit board, I’d put the planchette, right way up, in the

portal before I blow the powder in, then place it on the board so the spirits know

the way is open.

It goes without saying that all the usual precautions must be observed before and

after a séance – grounding and centring, opening and closing, asking Spirit for a

cloak of protection etc. Getting round a table, fingers on glass and saying “Is there

anybody there” without such precautions is asking for trouble!

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