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Protection Magic with Rowan by Heather

The Rowan Tree, Latin names - Pyrus aucuparia/domestica/tourmalinis, with other names Mountain Ash, Quickbeam, Tree of life, Lady of the mountains, Wicken tree.

Second letter in the first Aicme of the Ogham alphabet, Lus has wonderful powerful energies, with correspondences of protection, inspiration, magic, psychic abilities, creativity, hunting, being prepared, insight.

From July onwards the berries ripen, with varying depths of colour from pale orange through to deep red.  This blog is going to focus on simple protection spells using gifts from this beautiful tree.

Build a relationship with a Rowan local to you, spend some time regularly with them, even a few kind words as you stop briefly on your way to work will work, if the tree likes your energy.  Once you have a connection, ask if you may have some berries, if no twigs have fallen, you may ask for those too.  If you get an affirmative, use sharp secateurs or scissors, only take what you need, and leave a thank you of some water, or give your time just being together.

An interesting titbit, if you look at the end of the berries where the flower was, you will you will see a five pointed star, the shape of a pentagram.

Charms to make-

String the fresh berries on red cotton before drying, to wear or to string up in your home near doorways and windows.

Dry the rest of the berries to keep for use in other spells, poppets, and charms.

Make equal armed crosses from the twigs, using red yarn, place these around your home.  Dry any left over twigs to use in the same way as the dried berries.

With any leaves that were attached to the berry stems, dry those to also keep to use in spells, or in incense, throughout the year.

You can see a chat about this here


There is another KW blog, with the growing habits and a recipe for the berries -

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