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Prosperity Jar Spell for May by Sue Perryman

Kitchen Witch


A clean jar

Pen and Paper

Enough seeds ( pumpkin, sesame, sunflower etc) or rice to cover the bottom of your jar

3, 6 or 9 coins

3 herbs or spices you're drawn to for prosperity. I used : Basil, Clove and ginger

3 crystals you are drawn to for prosperity. I used: Moss Agate, Malachite and Tiger’s Eye.

While visualising your need, write it on the paper and pop it in the jar.

Hold the seeds or rice in your hands while visualising your need and put them in the jar, covering your piece of paper.

Hold each herb/spice, one at a time in your hand while visualising your need and put them in the jar.

Hold each crystal, one at a time in your hand while visualising your need and put them in the jar.

Hold the coins in your hand and say:

Money come and money grow

Into my home let money flow

Prosperity and abundance come to me

From money worries set me free

With harm to none!

Pop the coins into the jar. Screw the lid on and put your jar somewhere safe where you will see it each day. Every day add another coin or two and repeat the chant. Not only will you receive the money coming to you, you will also be saving for an extra treat.



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