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New Moon Ritual for New Ideas

Kitchen Witch

This ritual script is from 'Beneath the Moon: Witchcraft and Moon Magic for a Deeper Practice' by Rachel Patterson, due for publication January 2022. It can be used at any New Moon, to help you plant new seeds of ideas, to find your inspiration and open up new ideas and opportunities.

You will need:

Representations for the four quarters, if using

Central candle for deity, if using

Matches or lighter.

Safe holders for the candles, if using

Something to eat and drink.

For the spell:

Two brown or white candles (to represent new ideas, opportunities, or projects)

One green, orange, or white candle (to represent fertility, success, and prosperity)

One candle of any colour (to represent you)

Essential oil such as cinnamon, basil or mint in an oil burner

A pebble or crystal tumble stone

Safe holders for the candles

Cast the circle

Walking deosil (clockwise) around the circle.

With the power of the Moon

I cast this circle to attune

Magic creating a boundary to last

This Moon circle is now cast.

Call the quarters –

Facing North:

I call upon the element of earth

May you bring your energy of grounding and stability to this rite

Earth, I welcome you.

Facing East:

I call upon the element of air

May you bring your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite,

Air, I welcome you.

Facing South:

I call upon the element of fire,

May you bring your energy of passion and power to this rite,

Fire, I welcome you.

Facing West:

I call upon the element of water,

May you bring your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite,

Water, I welcome you.

Facing centre :

I call upon the powerful and wise goddess Hestia

And ask that you bring the energy of new beginnings, inspiration and manifesting to this rite.

Hestia, I honour your presence.

Spell work: This spell works with the power of the new Moon to bring things to you.

Place one of the brown candles in the centre of your altar or sacred space. Put the green candle to the right and your personal candle to the left. Place your essential oil burner with the oil in, in front of the central candle. Lay the second brown candle on its side in front of the oil burner and the pebble or crystal in front of that.

Take the pebble or crystal and hold it in your hand whilst you work with the candles.

Light the personal candle and sit quietly focusing on the flame, say:

Flame of fire, burning bright,

Bring to me clarity of sight,

To see opportunities and inspiration before me

Make it so

Next light the green candle and focus on the flame, say:

Opportunities, inspiration, and new ideas open up to me,

Avenues, projects, and ventures, let me see.

Make it so

Sit quietly and visualise new ideas and opportunities opening up to you and how happy and excited you would be when this happens.

Light the brown candle and say:

New ideas, new ventures, fresh inspiration for me

Make it so

Now snuff out the candles.

Relight them each night and repeat the words for three nights.

On the last night allow them to burn out.

Carry the pebble or stone with you or place it on your altar to allow the energy to flow.

Eat and drink something to celebrate your ritual and to help you ground. Sprinkle some of the drink and food onto the earth after the ritual as an offering to deity.

I thank the powerful and wise goddess Hestia,

For bringing the energy of new beginnings, inspiration and manifesting to this rite.

Hestia, I honour you and ask that your energy continue with me as long as is needed.

With blessings and thanks, I bid you farewell.

Release the quarters -

Facing West:

I thank the element of water,

For bringing your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite

Water, I bid you farewell.

Facing South:

I thank the element of fire,

For bringing your energy of passion and power to this rite

Fire, I bid you farewell.

Facing East:

I thank the element of air,

For bringing your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite

Air, I bid you farewell.

Facing North

I thank the element of earth,

For bringing your energy of grounding and stability to this rite

Earth, I bid you farewell.

Close the circle:

Walking widdershins (anti clockwise) around the circle

I thank the power of the Moon,

I uncast this circle but stay in tune,

Magic unties the boundary to last,

This Moon circle is now uncast.

Link to the ritual video can be found below:


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