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Moon Ritual to create a talisman by Heather

Kitchen Witch

There are times when we all need a boost, whether that is for overall energy, health, healing, love (especially self-love) or protection.  A simple way to draw the power we desire to us is to create a talisman, which we can wear or carry, to remind us to call on that strength whenever we need to.

This ritual could be undertaken during the waxing moon, or for extra oomph on the full moon.  However, if the moon is waxing and you feel it needs to be done now, work with the sun’s energy (change the words to suit), so morning or mid-day would be ideal.

You’ll need

A crystal, stone or piece of jewellery A candle – your choice of colour and a lighter or matches Cake and something to drink! If you have one, your journal. Herbs of your choice to go on or around your candle (optional) – choose those that you feel intuitively align with your intention (what energy you want your talisman to contain).

Place your items on your altar or the space you have chosen, herbs (if using them) around the base of your candle and your crystal/stone/jewellery in front of your candle.

Ground and Centre - take three deep breaths and focus on full moon energies.  Visualise roots growing from your feet or tail bone (depending on how you are sitting), feel the energy of Mother Earth filling you.

Cast your circle in your usual way or use the following…

Maiden cast your circle white; weave a web of glowing light. Mother cast your circle red; weave the strands of glowing threads. Crone, cast your circle black, weave the knowledge that we lack. Blessed be! (adapted from a Yasmin Galenorn chant)

To call in the quarters, use your regular method or use the following…

I call to the East, element of Air, through breath, wind and thought inviting you to my circle. Hail and Welcome!

I call to the South, element of Fire, through the spark of inspiration, the crackle of a candle and the heat of the sun, I invite you to my circle. Hail and Welcome!

I call to the West, element of Water, through the tears of healing, the bringer of life and the cleansing of our sacred spaces, I invite you into my circle. Hail and Welcome!

I call to the North, element of Earth, through the growth within us, the foundations beneath us and the beauty around us, I invite you to my circle. Hail and Welcome!

If you have specific Deity you want to call on to help with your ritual do so now, or you can use the following…

Lord and Lady, Spirits of Natural and Elements around me, I invite you into my circle to watch over this rite and guide me, sharing your powers with me as I make this talisman for (insert your intention). Hail and Welcome!

Light your candle, gaze into the light. Let a feeling of relaxation wash over you.

Pick up the item you have chosen to charge, holding it in your open hands. 

Visualise the energy you need coming as a light from above you, entering your crown chakra, filling your head, then your chest and feel that energy building in your heart.

Now visualise Mother Earth sending Her energy up through your feet, filling your lower body, until that too reaches your heart and the two energies mix.

When you feel ready, send that mix from your heart down your arms, to your hands and see it pass into your talisman, until you feel it is full.

Slowly feel the mixed energy withdraw back up your arms to your heart, where it will also stay.   Visualise Mother Earth’s energy flow back down and out from your feet, thank Her; then feel the universal energy recede back up and out through your crown, again giving thanks.

This is now your talisman to wear, keep in your pocket (or bra), so you can draw on that energy whenever you need it.

Sit for a few minutes, ask if there are any messages for you, if you get any words/symbols write these in your journal.

Time for cake and drink.

When you are ready, close your ritual.

If you called in specific Deity, use your usual thank you or the following…

Lord and Lady, Spirits of Nature and Elements around me, thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. Hail and Farewell!

Spirits of the North, thank you for your presence here with me today. Hail and Farewell!

Spirits of the West, thank you for your presence here with me for this ritual. Hail and Farewell!

Spirits of the South, thank you for your presence for my ritual. Hail and Farewell!

Spirits of the East, thank you for your presence here with me today. Hail and Farewell!

Close your circle in your usual way or say the following…

Maiden uncast your circle white, release your web of glowing light. Mother uncast your circle red, release the strands of glowing threads. Crone, uncast your circle black, we thank you for the knowledge that we lacked. By the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  This circle is open but never broken. So mote it be!

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