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Making a Bridóg by Heather

For those who are unsure, a Bridóg is a doll, a representation of Brigid, made from rushes. 

Depending on the area, sometimes one would be made, and then a procession would carry the Bridóg to each house to bring blessing to the family ensuring good health, and a good harvest.   More commonly it seems, each family would make their own every year, ready for Brigid’s feast day at the beginning of February, the previous years doll either being buried on the family’s land or placed in the rafters or chimney to ensure continuing blessings and good fortune.

A video to accompany the blog is here


To make a Bridóg you need –

Rushes or straw or material


Yarn – colours associated with Brigid are green, white, red, and purple.

I am using rushes, as these are easily found growing in damp areas in the UK and Ireland.  The ‘trick’ is when you are doing the ties, make sure they are really tight, otherwise as the rushes dry out, your Bridóg will become loose.

Make two bundles of rushes, one a little smaller than the other.

Bend the thicker bundle of rushes in half and tie some yarn so making the head.

Take the smaller bundle, tie each end of this, it is best made to be the same length as the body section.  Then insert between the first bent rushes, just under the head, this makes the arms.

Tie more yarn under the arms to make her waist.

Trim any longer pieces to make all the ends neat.

Dried herbs, such as lavender or sprigs of rosemary can be attached.

You can make a cloak, shawl, or skirt for her if you wish.

Place you Bridóg on your altar or somewhere central to your home, a kitchen shelf works well, to bring harmony, fertility and abundance to you and your family.  It is usual to say a prayer or a few of your own words to awaken your Bridóg, also to talk to her throughout the year.  Included here is one such prayer, there are many others available if you do a search, alternatively create your own.

St Brigid’s Blessing


May Brigid bless this house wherein you dwell,

Bless every fireside every wall and door.

Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof.

Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy.

Bless every foot that walks its portals through,

May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.



References and further reading -

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