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Kitchen Witch Under the Spotlight... Heather

Kitchen Witch

What drew you to your pagan/spiritual path?

Looking back, I have always been interested in spirituality. I was the child who was happiest with either a pile of books under a tree or wandering round chatting to the birds and bees – especially bees. I can remember each spring standing by a blossom covered bush in our garden, listening to them and being entranced when they rested on my face or arm, before taking off.

What are your interests within your path?

Alchemy! Not the turning of base metal into gold, although that would be very useful. It’s the experimentation in cooking, and in making lotions and potions, that is fascinating. You start of with several diverse ingredients, deciding on which compliments the other, blending their energies together, to end up with something completely different, with all those energies and your intention combined – magic!

Are there any particular deities that you work with?

The Deities which have been with me forever are The Morrigan and The Dagda, with Brigid. In the last ten years or so, Elen of the Ways has joined Them.

There have been Others, who have connected with me, usually for a specific reason or time period, to help me deal with whatever is going on.

How did you find Kitchen Witch and what do you most like about being part of it?

Once upon a time – well 2014 actually, I bought a book titled Pagan Portals - Kitchen Witchcraft: Crafts of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson; loved it, the down to earth and friendly style the author wrote in resonated with me.

To this day I can’t remember how I found out about a mind, body & spirit show being held in Midhurst on 21st June that year (never seen one advertised since!). As it was Summer Solstice and I had nothing planned, I arrived for the opening ceremony, which was just beautiful and lead by two attractive ladies, in bright summery dresses and floral headdresses.

After the ceremony I found them and realised one of them was Rachel! Chatted, bought another book, found out they ran an online school, and had a workshop with a Celtic Goddesses course starting 31st August. Signed up for that, liked the way the lessons were structured, and the interaction encouraged within the group; so once I completed that I signed up to the school.

I like being part of the community the school has created, supporting others and being supported with my continuing development and learning.

What books are in your ‘to read’ pile - if any?

The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales – the original stories.

Sacred House by Caroline Hillier

3 by Terry Pratchett – Lords and Ladies, Maskerade and Carpe Jugulum

The Ragwitch by Garth Nix

The Witch Compass by Ian Chambers

The Morrigan by Courtney Webber

Who influenced you in your early days of being a pagan/following your spiritual path. Who influences you today?

My early influencers were my mother and stories about my grandmother, neither of whom would have identified as pagan, but who both performed folk magic.

They are still with me today, along with Doreen Valiente, Tylluan Penry, and Damh the Bard.

An extra special mention has to go to Rachel, my High Priestess, Elder and Boss, as well as the wonderful friends I have made and am blessed to work with.

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