Other Names: Eostre, Eostre’s Day, Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, Lady Day
Usually occurs in the Northern Hemisphere between March 19th – 22nd; in the Southern Hemisphere between 19th – 22nd September.
The Workshop
You will need paper and pens to jot down your own correspondence for each of these, we have provided a worksheet for you to print off, you can add this to your book of shadows. We will go through each giving our ideas, and you can write these or be guided by your intuition and note down what resonates for you…
Meanings: balance, life/rebirth, Goddess and God in Youth, light overtaking darkness, fertility, balance, new beginnings, love, growth, dreams, achievable goals, optimism
Colours: pink, lavender, yellow, grass green, pastels, pale blue
Animals: rabbits, snakes, chicks, dragons, unicorn, hares, robin, bees, butterflies, Phoenix, ram, bears, chipmunks, deer, fox, frogs, groundhogs, hedgehogs, lambs, skunks, squirrels
Stones: aquamarine, amethyst, rose quartz, moon stone, bloodstone, red jasper, pyrite
Foods: eggs, honey, sprouts, fruits, leafy green vegetables, seeds, cake, bread, chocolate, wine, mead, milk and other dairy foods, fish, mushrooms
Herbs and flowers: broom, celandine, cinquefoil, crocus, chickweed, chives, clovers, daffodil, dandelion, dill, dogwood, gardenia, garlic, geranium, ginger, honeysuckle, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lemon balm, lilac, Lily of the Valley, lily, lotus, magnolia, mint, narcissus, parsley, rose, tansy, thyme, tulip, violet, viola,
Ogham: Beith, Luis, Fern, Gort, Ailm
Runes: Berkana, Inguz, Wunjo
Tarot cards: The Empress, The Fool
Altar Items: eggs, rabbits, potted plants, seeds, flowers, quartz crystals, cocoons, bees, lambs, chicks, candles, coins
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Athena, Cybele, Eostre, Eriu, Gaia, Hera/Juno, Iris, Lady of the Lake, Madhusri, Melusine, Moon Mother, Vesta, Astarte, Coatlicue, Flidais, Ishtar, Isis, Libera, Ma-Ku, Minerva, The Muses, Persephone, Rheda, Vesna, Venus, Freya, Rati,
Gods: Adonis, Cernunnos, Danh, Gwali, Lord of the Greenwood, Attis, Dagda, Dylan, The Great Horned God, Mithras, Odin, Ovis, Osiris, Pan, Thor.
Spell Work: manifestation, healing, energizing, motivation, dedication, removing obstacles, restoring balance, love, abundance, home blessings, cleansing.
Ways to celebrate -
Make Moon water and Sun water, use these with herbs of your choice to make a home cleansing wash. Put on some uplifting music, open the windows and use your wash as you cleanse your home, visualising it being filled with love and abundance.
Dye eggs, or paint/write sigils/symbols on some, crack then into a small hole you have dug, either for a plant or just to say thanks to the Earth.
Have a meal with family and friends that incorporates fresh leafy greens, eggs, seed or sprouted grain bread to align with the awakening energy of the season.
Whether you have a garden, a yard, a balcony, a doorstep or a windowsill, choose a pot and plant some seeds.
Create a vision board of goals you wish to grow in the next few months.
Take a mindful walk in nature, collecting items that call to you for an altar. Leave offerings of water, local seeds, or biodegradable materials as thanks.
Rise before dawn and greet the sunrise with a small ceremony, for example lighting a candle or incense, offering a prayer or poem you have written, or visualising something you wish to manifest.
Ritual – Creating a Motivational Altar Offering
You will need:
Paper (the size of which will depend on the container you decide to use), pens, crayons or paints.
Container of your choice, for example, pouch, material, poppet, jar, bowl, basket, crochet bunny
Candle, candle holder, lighter
Herbs – use your intuition, some examples - celandine, crocus, chickweed, chives, clovers, daffodil, dandelion, dill, dogwood, garlic, geranium, ginger, honeysuckle, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lemon balm, lilac, Lily of the Valley, lily, lotus, magnolia, mint, narcissus, parsley, rose, tansy, thyme, tulip, violet, viola,
Crystals – the ones that resonate with you, examples are – amethyst, carnelian, Citrine, moonstone, red jasper, Tigers Eye, quartz, pyrite.
Take a few deep breaths in and slowly out, bringing your attention to the here and now…..
Connecting –
Together we will now connect to our sacred space, thereby linking all our energies both far and near; take three long deep breaths.
Standing or sitting, with both hands on your heart and say, "From my heart”, stretching both hands into the air, say "To the sky”.
Putting both hands on or facing down to the earth, as close to it as you can get, say "To the land”.
Putting both hands on your heart, say "To my heart”.
Leaving both hands on your heart, say "From my heart”, reaching out your right hand, "To all points on the compass".
Reach out your left hand and place your right hand on your heart and say, "To all directions”. Putting both hands on your heart, say "To my heart”.
Brigid, Goddess of fire, poetry, healing, birth, and unity. Please join us, bring your flaming energy to our ritual today, stoke our inner spark of motivation to achieve our potential this coming season.
Welcome Brigid!
Freyr, God of fertility and prosperity. We ask that you join us here today, bringing your vitality to our intention and ritual to stoke our motivation to achieve our potential this coming season.
Welcome Freyr!
Close your eyes, take some slow deep breathes, then open your eyes, pick up your chosen medium to write/paint with.
Look at the blank piece of paper in front of you and whilst visualising yourself celebrating the completion of whatever your current goal is, start drawing/scribing/doodling. Make it free, do not think about what you are scribing, just let it come from your heart and the image you have in your mind’s eye.
Once you feel you have finished, fold your paper towards you, as many times as necessary to fit into your chosen container.
Place this into your container, saying – I am motivated to complete my mission!
Then taking each of your chosen items to build the energy of your spell, place each item into your container, repeating each time – I am motivated to complete my mission!
Finally hold your container in your hands, visualise yourself accomplishing your goal with ever increasing stamina and motivation. Feel how proud you are and imagine telling someone you love about your accomplishment.
Then say – So it shall be!
Place it on your altar or in your sacred space.
Something to eat, drink and chat.
Freyr, thank you for being with us during our ritual, allow us to connect with Your vitality whenever our motivation wanes over the next few months.
Farewell Freyr!
Brigid, thank you for being with us during our ritual, allow us to connect with Your energy whenever our motivation wanes over the next few months.
Farewell Brigid!
Completion -take three slow deep breaths.
Standing or sitting, with both hands on your heart and say, “From my heart, stretching both hands into the air, say “To the sky”.
Putting both hands on or facing down to the earth, as close as you can get, say “To the Land”.
Putting both hands on your heart, say “To my heart”.
Leaving both hands on your heart, say “From my heart”, reaching out your right hand, say “From all points of the compass”.
Reach out your left hand and place your right hand on your heart and say, “From all directions”. Both hands on your heart, say “To my heart, thank you”.