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Kitchen Witch Samhain Ritual 2022 by Heather

Kitchen Witch

Script from today's Kitchen Witch online ritual. The replay can be found on our Kitchen Witch YouTube channel.

You may have noticed that we have, for the last year or so, been slowly moving away from the Wiccan type opening and closing of our rituals, as we feel they no longer resonated with us or the Coven, as we practice more Kitchen/folk/eclectic witchcraft.

This ritual is going to be even more different, because we want you to all join in with opening sacred space. We may be miles apart, but the land beneath all of us is sacred, being our Mother Earth. As such, we feel we should just let the space around us that we are going to be working magically, by doing so connecting us to the inherent protection available to us from all the elements and all directions. By each of us connecting into the land where we are, the message will travel through Mother Earth’s energy web, linking us all together.

Opening sacred space – everyone to join in

Standing or sitting, with both hands on your heart and say "From my heart"

Stretching both hands into the air, say "To the sky"

Putting both hands on or facing down to the earth, as close to it as you can get, say "To the land"

Putting both hands on your heart, say "To my heart"

Leaving both hands on your heart, say "From my heart"

Reaching out your right hand, "To all points on the compass"

Reach out your left hand and place your right hand on your heart, and say "To all directions"

Both hands on your heart, say "To my heart"

About Samhain and Spiders

Spider is the weaver, the creatrix, the original web master/mistress. Spiders weaving their webs are often presented as a symbol of time and fate’s progression, the cyclical rhythms of nature.

We are all weaving our webs of fate. The web is a representation of the way that all things interlink. The way that people interlink. The way that we are linked to our blood ancestors and their histories. The family dynamics, stories and genes have already been woven before our birth; we are embedded in this web as soon as we are born. We then weave our own contribution to our family’s web, for the next generation to become a part of.

Samhain is about the ancestors, a time when the veil is thin, when the web can be traversed, tales are told of ghostly sightings and people from the past are said to be able to find their way back along the web to connect with our present threads, the part of the web that we are weaving. We trace our histories, character traits, weaknesses and strengths back to our ancestors by re-treading the web that they wove. We meet in the middle of it and can commune. Past, present and future become entangled for entertainment or wisdom.

Making our spiders is symbolic of our connections to our ancestors, both those gone before us, as well as those who are yet to come.

Spider Craft


4 pipe cleaners

A pair of googley eyes - optional

PVA glue



1. Cut two of the pipe cleaners in half to make four smaller lengths, and bunch them together.

2. Wrap the other two full pipe cleaners around the centre of the bunch to make the spider’s body.

3. You should now have a ‘body’ and four straight ‘legs’ either side. Shape each leg by bending twice and fan out the legs a little.

4. Glue on a pair of googley eyes onto the spider’s body.

Eat, drink and chat

Closing sacred space - everyone

Standing or sitting, with both hands on your heart and say "From my heart"

Stretching both hands into the air, say "To the sky"

Putting both hands on or facing down to the earth, as close to it as you can get, say "To the land"

Putting both hands on your heart, say "To my heart"

Leaving both hands on your heart, say "From my heart"

Reaching out your right hand, "From all points of the compass”

Reach out your left hand and place your right hand on your heart, and say "From all directions”

Both hands on your heart, say "To my heart" - “Thank you".

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