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Kitchen Witch Ritual Waning Gibbous Ritual

Kitchen Witch

Taken from Rachel Patterson's forthcoming book 'Beneath the Moon - Witchcraft and Moon Magic for a Deeper Practice'.

Join Heather for this pre-recorded ritual to work with in your own time on any Waning Gibbous Moon. The link can be found here

Waning Gibbous Ritual for Releasing

"To enable good things to come our way, we need to have a clear out. Allowing negative energy and bad cycles to fester is not good. This ritual will help you let it all go, paving the way for new and positive energy to flow right in".

You will need:

Representations for the four quarters, if using

Central candle for deity, if using

Matches or lighter

Safe holders for candles, if using

Smudge bundle or incense for cleansing and purifying (I suggest sage, rosemary, mint or mugwort)

If you don’t want to use smoke, this is a perfect time to work with Moon water instead.

For the spell:

A black or dark coloured candle

Slips of paper


Dried herbs, such as bay, eucalyptus, hyssop, jasmine, marjoram or sage.

A cauldron or fireproof dish

Piece of board, thick card or tile – something you don’t mind being ruined!

Cast the circle

Walking deosil (clockwise) around the circle.

With the power of the Moon

I cast this circle to attune

Magic creating a boundary to last

This Moon circle is now cast

Call the quarters

Facing North

I call upon the element of earth

May you bring your energy of grounding and stability to this rite

Earth, I welcome you

Facing East

I call upon the element of air

May you bring your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite

Air, I welcome you

Facing South

I call upon the element of fire,

May you bring your energy of passion and power to this rite

Fire, I welcome you

Facing West

I call upon the element of water,

May you bring your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite

Water, I welcome you


Facing centre:

I call upon the powerful and destructive goddess Kali Ma

And ask that you bring the energy of transformation, releasing and

cleansing to this rite.

Kali Ma, I honour your presence

Spell work:

Start this spell work by lighting your smudge bundle or incense. Waft the smoke all over your body, start at your feet, work up each leg, your torso, each arm, your hands, your

neck and over your head. If you are using Moon water, sprinkle droplets of water instead.

As you smudge, say:

Purifying magic, power of the Moon

Align my energy, bring me in tune

Cleanse my energy, allow it to flow

Moon magic power make it so

Light your candle. Place your board, card or tile in front of you. Write the first thing, bad habit, emotion, feeling you want to release onto a slip of paper. Place the slip on the board. Carefully take the candle and drip some wax onto the paper. As you do so,

visualise that energy leaving you, let go of it, release it and allow it to flow into the wax.


Candle wax allowed to flow

Negative energy let it go

Write on another slip of paper (the same as before or another situation/emotion if you need to) Place that paper on top of the last one and drip more wax on top. Repeat the chant. Keep going with this process until you feel you are finished. Placing each

slip of paper on top of the last and melting more wax on top.

When you feel you are finished, say:

All that no longer serves is now released from me

Replaced with happy and positive energy

Make it so

Snuff out the candle. Throw the paper/wax pile into the trash or if you have a bonfire or hearth fire it can be burnt.


Eat and drink something to celebrate your ritual and to

help you ground. Sprinkle some of the drink and food onto the

earth after the ritual as an offering to deity.


I thank the powerful and destructive goddess Kali Ma

For bringing the energy of transformation, releasing and cleansing

to this rite.

Kali Ma, I honour you and ask that your energy continue with me

as long as is needed.

With blessings and thanks, I bid you farewell

Release the quarters

Facing West

I thank the element of water,

For bringing your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite

Water, I bid you farewell

Facing South

I thank the element of fire,

For bringing your energy of passion and power to this rite

Fire, I bid you farewell

Facing East

I thank the element of air

For bringing your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite

Air, I bid you farewell

Facing North

I thank the element of earth

For bringing your energy of grounding and stability to this rite

Earth, I bid you farewell

Close the circle

Walking widdershins (anti clockwise) around the circle

I thank the power of the Moon

I uncast this circle but stay in tune

Magic unties the boundary to last

This Moon circle is now uncast

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