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Kitchen Witch Dryad Ritual by Heather and Ness

A link to the replay can be found here

You will need:

a paper bag

a wooden disc ( or a slice from a fallen branch), cardboard or paper

sharpie, pen or paint

hawthorn/elder/blackthorn items (leaves, dried blossom, twigs)

slip of paper

Circle Casting:

By the power of solid earth and stone

By the might of strong winds and soft breezes 

By the warmth of the Sun and the dancing flames 

By the waters of turbulent seas and gentle streams 

We are connected

Quarters –

Welcoming - 

To the East I call, asking the vibrant energy of Birch to bring inspiration and creativity to our ritual today.  Welcome.

To the South I call, asking the protective energy of Rowan to bring wisdom and success to our ritual today. Welcome

To the West I call, asking the flowing energy of Willow to cleanse us at our ritual here today.  Welcome.

To the North I call, asking the transformational energies of Yew to bring strength and renewal to our ritual here today. Welcome

What is a Dryad 

The dictionary definition of the word ‘dryad’ says: “in folklore and Greek mythology – a nymph inhabiting a tree or wood”.  Each tree will have its own inner spirit, as all plants do, but tree spirits are specifically called dryads.  These spirits appear to be mostly felt as having a feminine energy, for example, Grandmother Willow.   However, there are masculine energies, for me that is what I feel with Grandfather Oak.

Some of these spirits do not venture out from their tree, having been born simultaneously with it.  Others can be found within their own tree or very close by, as they never risk straying far from it. They are extremely cautious, so if startled they will rapidly ‘melt’ back into their tree.

These spirits are incredibly wise, having gathered years of observation and knowledge.  If we take the time to build a relationship with them, if we are patient, they happily share their wisdom and support with us.  


About Blackthorn –

Blackthorn usually grows as a bush, however it can grow to a tree with a height of 6 m. Its branches usually grow forming a tangle, this is one of the reasons it is commonly found in hedges, as a deterrent to livestock escaping.

This is also what gives blackthorn one of its magical correspondences – protection.  It is a very hard wood, being used in many places for walking sticks.  In Ireland, when the Irish were forbidden from carrying weapons in the 1600’s, the shillelagh doubled as a walking stick and a powerful cudgel!

Blackthorn is associated with the dark goddess and the underworld, linked to death and rebirth, being used in rituals celebrating the cycle of life and the changing of the seasons.  It is also linked to the Otherworld and the fairy realm, many believe that blackthorn trees are inhabited by spirits and should be treated with respect and caution.  In fact, in some places it is considered bad luck to cut down a blackthorn tree without proper ritual and being given consent by the tree's spirit!

In addition, blackthorn is associated with divination and prophecy, the wood of the blackthorn tree often being used for magical staffs and wands, as it is believed to enhance the practitioner’s ability to connect and receive messages from the spirit world.

The thorns are very useful to use in spells, as well as for inscribing onto candles, or sticking into poppets!

About Elder

Elder trees (sambucus nigra) can grow to around 15 metres in height and can live for up to 60 years. It can grow pretty much anywhere as long as there is a bit of light. It is identified by its short trunk, grey-brown bark and its serrated leaves that are found in groups of 5 or 7. Its most recognised characteristic is its beautifully scented flowers of creamy white that appear around the month of May or June, followed by tiny clusters of shiny, juicy berries in the autumn. The flowers can be made into a delicious cordial and the berries into wine or a syrup that is rich in Vitamin C and good for keeping the winter colds at bay.

Fallen mature elder wood is perfect for whittling and carving and the young branches can be hollowed out for crafting. They were also used to make woodwind instruments which when played delighted the fae. 

Elder is said to be a protective tree, - to carry or wear any part of the tree would protect you from attacks of all kinds. The Elder Mother is said to inhabit the Elder Tree and give protection to those who asked for it, but she could also be unforgiving if you harvested from her without permission!

Plant an Elder in your garden - close to your kitchen if possible - to ward off negative influences and disease. 

Elder wands can be used to drive out evil spirits!

About Hawthorn

Hawthorn can grow as a tall bush up to about 15 metres or can grow as a singular tree. Both are characterised by their sharp thorns, bright green leaves, their scented blossom in May and red berries (haws) in the autumn. Hawthorn can be found in hedgerows, scrub and woodland. It prefers the full sun but will grow anywhere. 

Hawthorn has long been recognised as a tree of fertility and is connected to the sabbat of Beltane but also has links to Christianity. Its flowers blooming around this time signifies the turning of spring into summer. 

Hawthorn is a hard wood, so is excellent for making tool handles, cabinets and boxes. It is also makes a good firewood as can burn at high temperatures. The young leaves and flowers are edible as are the berries - but it is recommended that the berries are cooked first - they are usually made into syrups, teas, ketchup and wine.

Hawthorn is a plant of protection, said to protect against witches, although in the past, most witches were said to have at least one growing in their garden. 

Worn or carried, it promotes happiness, dispelling negativity, depression and sadness. 

It is also a gateway to the otherworld and of the fae.

Tree Correspondences


Protection, Otherworld, death and rebirth, security, defence, divination, prophecy, transformation, balance, clarity, ancestors, banishing, shadow work, Dark Goddess workings.


Protection, Healing, Faeries, purification, intuition, exorcism, hex breaking, rebirth, prosperity.



Protection, happiness, fertility, love, purification, forgiveness, faeries, hope, Beltane, healing, ancestors, marriage.

Meditation to Meet a Dryad

Make yourself comfortable, either sitting or lying down…..  Take a deep breath in and a long sigh out.  Feel all the tension from the day melting away…  Take another breath deep into your belly, feel the expansion in your abdomen…  Then release the breath out through your mouth and notice the thoughts of the day drifting away…  As you take another breath in you notice your awareness shifts inwards...

Open your mind’s eye to find you are standing in a meadow…it is a beautiful, sunny day…you can hear birds singing cheerily all around you and bees buzzing as they gather nectar…feel the warmth of the sun with the gentle touch of a breeze on your skin…smell the subtle aromas from the wildflowers…

You notice a path leading towards the edge of the meadow and decide to follow it…feel the grasses and flowers softly brushing against you as you slowly follow the path…

As you move along you see that the path is taking you towards three small trees…

You realise there is a hawthorn, a blackthorn, and an elder…you stop, as the path you are on is about to fork into three, each path leading to one of the trees…you ask if a dryad from one of the trees would be happy to meet with you…

When you feel a positive answer, move slowly in that direction…as you stand facing the tree ask what messages the dryad has for you…is there anything they would like you to do for them… what can you see?...what do you sense or feel?...what do you hear?...

Your encounter is coming to an end, as you feel their energy returning back to within their tree, you thank them for sending time with you…

Turn and make your way back to the single path that brought you here…slowly make your way through the meadow…feel the grasses and flowers softly brushing against you as you slowly follow the path…

You become aware of the birds singing cheerily all around you and bees buzzing as they gather nectar…feel the warmth of the sun with the gentle touch of a breeze on your skin…smell the subtle aromas from the wildflowers…

As you make your way along the path, back to where your journey began you begin to notice your breath…take a deep inhalation and a gentle sigh out…become aware of the world around you…wriggle your fingers and toes…stretch if you need to...come back fully to this place and time…feel the ground beneath you, sending roots down to ground you, then when you are ready open your eyes….

Spell Pouch Making

We will be making a spell pouch. You choose which intent you need from the list of tree correspondences above. Take your paper bag and focus on the intent that you would like your spell pouch for. This bag will be a vessel for your intent and we will fill it with each of your ingredients that you have collected. Taking your sharpie, pen or paint, you can write the word, a sigil, or an ogham mark on the wooden disc. If you don't have a disc, or piece of flat wood, you can draw or write on the bag itself.

You can keep this pouch on your altar, in your handbag or you can burn it on an outdoor fire if you have space for one.

Thanking –

To the energy of Birch from the East, may we feel you caress us as we thank you for joining us today. Farewell.

To the energy of Rowan from the South, may we feel your protection enveloping us as we thank you for joining us today. Farewell.

To the energy of Willow from the West, may we sense your flow around us as we thank you for joining us today. Farewell.

To the energy of Yew from the North, may we accept your transformational energies as we thank you for joining us today. Farewell.

By the power of solid earth and stone

By the might of strong winds and soft breezes

By the warmth of the Sun and the dancing flames 

By the waters of turbulent seas and gentle streams

We always remain connected but our ritual here is done

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