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Kitchen Witch Autumn Equinox Ritual by Heather

Kitchen Witch

This is the script for the Autumn Equinox Ritual that was hosted by Kitchen Witch on Sunday 26th September 2021

Link to the recorded event can be found here

Ritual to restore balance and give thanks.

You will need –

A black or dark coloured candle

A white or bright coloured candle

A needle or sharp pencil

Candle holders


Something to eat and drink

Casting a circle

I cast this circle bright, weaving a web of dark and light.

Earth, Air, Fire and Water, bind us all as one.

It is done!

Call the quarters

Facing North

I call upon the element of earth

May you bring your energy of grounding and stability to this rite

Earth, I welcome you.

Facing East

I call upon the element of air

May you bring your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite

Air, I welcome you.

Facing South

I call upon the element of fire,

May you bring your energy of passion and power to this rite

Fire, I welcome you.

Facing West

I call upon the element of water,

May you bring your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite

Water, I welcome you.

Deity calls –

Goddess Ceridwen, mother of poetry, wisdom and prophecy, shape shifting between life and death. As the steam still rises from your cauldron of inspiration, we ask You to join us, bringing Your energies to remind us that out of darkness comes new life and new ideas.

I welcome You!

Green Man, we see You now in your Autumnal aspect as John Barleycorn, you are the God of the cycles of life, of forests, animals, plant life, and of the earth itself. We ask You to join us, bringing Your strength and perseverance to share with us.

I welcome You!

Spell work –

Place your black/dark candle in front of you, on your non-dominant side (i.e., if right-handed place to your left); the white/bright candle next to it, on your dominant side.

Bring to mind something you want/need to release, which is holding you back or causing you to feel blocked or caged in. When you have a clear vision of this, get your black/dark candle and using your needle/pencil inscribe what it is you want rid of onto the candle, replace in its holder and light. As the flame grows, visualise your problem being burned away.

You are going to let this candle burn all the way down, any reside left afterwards, collect, and dispose of away from your property.

When you feel the ties to what has been blocking you have been burned, visualise all that you have to be grateful for. Once you feel ready, pick up your white/bright candle and inscribe it with words or symbols to represent your gratitude, place it in its holder and light, sit looking at the flame feeling your thankfulness fill your whole body with comfort and warmth.

This candle can be re-lit each day until it is burnt down, you could even use another candle to perpetuate this energy through-out the next months, lighting the new one from the last, until Spring Equinox.

Eat and drink, saving some to put outside after the ritual.

Releasing Deity –

Goddess Ceridwen, thank you bringing Your inspiration and wisdom to this rite.

I bid You farewell!

Green Man, thank you for bringing Your strength and steadfastness to this rite.

I bid you farewell!

Release the quarters

Facing West -

I thank the element of water, for bringing your energy of emotions and cleansing to this rite.

Water, I bid you farewell!

Facing South -

I thank the element of fire, for bringing your energy of passion and power to this rite.

Fire, I bid you farewell!

Facing East -

I thank the element of air, for bringing your energy of intellect and inspiration to this rite.

Air, I bid you farewell!

Facing North -

I thank the element of earth, for bringing your energy of grounding and stability to this rite.

Earth, I bid you farewell!

Close circle -

Earth, Air, Fire and Water, our circle is open, but never broken.

Equinox Blessings to us all!


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