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Kitchen Witch Autumn Equinox Ritual 2022 by Sue Perryman

Kitchen Witch

The script for our Kitchen Witch Autumn Equinox Ritual which was held on our Facebook Coven Group and on our Kitchen Witch YouTube Channel.

You will need:

We are going to make a Witches Ladder, this is a spell and a craft, so have in mind an intent that you want to focus on.

9 pieces of natural twine or ribbon (or a mixture of both) about 1 metre in length. If using ribbons - pick colours that match your intent

Beads, feathers, flowers, larger herb leaves - Sage or Bay work well as do sprigs of Lavender and Rosemary, they can be fresh or dried - and anything else you want to decorate your Witches ladder with. These are not necessary but do make the finished product look good and it adds another layer of intent to your spell. You can use herbs and colours that correspond to your intent.

A candle in a holder and matches or a lighter, again pick a colour that corresponds with your intent if you have it. If not use white.

Something to eat and drink

I cast this circle thrice about

To cleanse this space and keep harm out

Goddess bless this work we do

Into our circle we invoke you

As I will the circle cast.

Between the worlds we safely pass.

Guardian of the North, element of Earth

The fertile land beneath our feet

You are stability, strength, wisdom and growth

We ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you.

Guardian of the East, element of Air

The breath of life

You are intellect, inspiration, ideas and new beginnings

We ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you.

Guardian of the South, element of Fire

The spark of life

You are passion, transformation, creativity and energy

We ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you.

Guardian of the West, element of Water

You nourish the soil

You are emotions, intuition, dreams and love

We ask you to watch over us during our ritual

We welcome you.

Hail Gaia, Mother Earth

She of the fertile land

The sacred waters

And the enchanting light of the moon

Mother of all creation

We welcome you

Hail Horned God, known by many names

Leader of the Wild Hunt

Guide to the underworld

And Lord of the Wild

Father of all creation

We welcome you.

The Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon is the second harvest of fruits, berries and vegetables. It is a magical time of year, when the leaves are gradually turning to shades of gold, red and brown and there is a crisp fresh feel to the early mornings and evenings. It is a time of balance, when day and night are equal and from this day onwards the days will get more noticeably shorter and cooler.

The crops have been harvested and the abundance of nature is all around us, it is a time to gather in the fruits of our labours and give thanks for the bounty that our beautiful Earth has provided.

Light your candle.

Gather together three strands of twine or ribbon and knot them together at one end, then begin to plait them together, tying another knot when you get to the end.

Focus on your intent while you are working.

Repeat with the other strands until you have three sets of plaits.

When you are ready you are going to plait them together, again knotting them together at both ends.

You can add any beads, herbs, feathers and flowers as you go or tuck them in at the end, if you are using them.

When you have finished you can keep your Witches ladder on your altar or somewhere you will see it every day until your spell has come to fruition.

Feast Time!

When everyone is ready....

Horned God, we thank you for joining us in our ritual, Farewell.

Gaia, we thank you for joining us in our ritual, Farewell

Guardian of the West, element of Water, we thank you for watching over us during our ritual. Farewell

Guardian of the South, element of Fire, we thank you for watching over us during our ritual. Farewell

Guardian of the East, element of Air, we thank you for watching over us during our ritual. Farewell.

Guardian of the North, element of Earth, we thank you for watching over us during our ritual. Farewell.

The circle is open but unbroken

Blessed Be!

photo from Unsplash


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