Taken from the lesson homework on The Triple Goddess
Based on this time of year (Winter approaching), and my need for
transformation and healing, I though I would work with a Crone ritual. I
prefer to use epithets, rather than call upon a certain goddess by name to see
who would answer. Although I have been having a strong pull toward
Hekate for the past couple years now, I don’t see her as a Crone Goddess
exactly - She is far too complex. But it wouldn’t surprise me if that is who
would appear.
(Side note: I end with “Auf wiedersehen” since I find the German way of
saying farewell to be kinder: literally until we see each other again.
This ritual is designed to bring an end to a negative situation and let you
start anew.
You will need:
- salt water
- smoke bundle of Earthy, dark materials (I use mugwort, sage, and
- a black shawl draped around your shoulders, to start
- incense of choice, if desired - preferably roots and resins
- black candle, unlit
- 3 red candles, unlit
- Tarot or Oracle deck
- 2 Bay leaves
- Marker to write on leaves
- Bowl with water (dark moon water would be perfect), or water with
black tourmaline in the bottom
Place your altar, if possible in the North. Close your eyes and feel your
roots extending down into the deep, dark Earth. Feel the flow of this energy
pulling up through your feet, extending through your body, out your
fingertips and through your crown chakra. The energy travels along silver
branches that reach to the dark sky above. There the branches touch the
energy of the dark heavens, and flows back into you. Your body becomes a
conduit between worlds, anchored in your center.
Take 3 deep breaths, then walk clockwise around your space, sprinkling
salt water as you go:
In the name of the Dark Mother
I bless this space with Earth and Water
Set the water down on the altar, and pick up the smoke bundle, lighting it.
Walk around the circle again:
In the name of the Dark Mother
I bless this space with Fire and Air
Return to the altar, and using wither your wand, athame, finger (or
whatever you typically use to direct energy), walk around the circle again,
visualizing a protective light emanating from you, creating a bubble to work
Spirit of Place, I am between worlds, between time.
Calling the energies:
Starting in the North, and moving around as appropriate, hold your arms
out it greeting and say:
Energies of the North
Of Earth
Of dark cave
And of night sky
Of Bear
And rock and stone
I ask for your blessing and grounding
Energies of the East
Of Air
Of mountain peak
And windy sky
Of Eagle
And feather and talon
I ask for your blessing and knowledge
Energies of the South
Of Fire
Of hearth and flame
And burning sun
Of Stag
And fur and bone
I ask for your blessing and drive
Energies of the West
Of Water
Of wave and stream
And rain storm and gale
Of Salmon
And nut and scale
I ask for your blessing and wisdom
Facing your altar again, light a black candle, raise your shawl to cover your
hair, and raise your arms in greeting.
By the energies of Earth, Sea, and Sky
Of Mountain and Glade
I call upon you Wise One
Dark Mother
Destroyer and Life-giver!
I welcome your presence and guidance.
I call upon you now to guide me in my transformation.
I am in need of guidance
I am in need of change
I ask you to guide my hand along a path of metamorphosis
Light first red candle:
With this flame, my past decisions become clear
What path has brought me here.
Goddess guide my hand.
Take a deep breath and pull as many cards as you need - preferably 2 or 3 -
to get a clear picture of what has brought you to this point in life.
Meditate on the cards, and find one word to summarize them, preferably a
negative one.
Write this on the first bay leaf.
Wise One, spinner of fates
<word> has brought me to this point
<word> has brought me low
It is time to acknowledge <word>
It is time to put <word> firmly in the past!
Light the leaf and watch it burn; watching the issue go up in smoke.
Careful, it will burn quickly, so toss it into the bowl of water.
<word> Quenched and Clean!
Light second red candle:
With this flame, my current situation becomes clear
What choices before me are here.
Goddess guide my hand.
Once again, take a deep breath and pull as many cards as you need -
preferably 2 or 3 - to get a clear picture where you are now and the options
before you.
Meditate on the cards, and find one word to summarize them, preferably a
negative one.
Write this on the second bay leaf.
Guardian, watcher at the gate
<word> is where I stand
<word> has tied my hands
It is time to acknowledge <word>
It is time to put <word> firmly in the past!
Light the leaf and watch it burn; watching the issue go up in smoke. Toss it
into the bowl of water.
<word> Quenched and Clean!
Light thirds red candle:
With this flame, my path before me becomes clear
What I must do to change my path.
Goddess guide my hand.
Once again, take a deep breath and pull as many cards as you need -
preferably 2 or 3 - to get a clear picture of what needs to be done. What
transformation needs to be worked.
Meditate on the cards, and find one word to summarize them, preferably a
positive one.
Write this on the third bay leaf.
Guide, light my path
<word> is where I walk
<word> will open the Gates
It is time to acknowledge <word>
It is time to make <word> my course!
Light the leaf and watch it burn; watching the issue become alight. Toss it
into the bowl of water.
<word> Forward and New!
Hold the bowl up to the sky:
My past is in the past
My feet trod a new path
Set bowl down on altar, and take some water to sprinkle on your face.
Remove shawl from your head, and drape around your shoulders once more.
I am born anew!
Meditate on what you have learned. When ready:
I thank you Goddess for your guidance
I ask that you continue to light the way
May you guide my steps both day and night
On this new path
I thank you for your presence
Blessings and goodbye for now
Turn to face each of the directions as appropriate:
Spirits of Water
Spirits of West
Spirits of Wisdom
I thank you
I release you
Blessings and Farewell
Spirits of Fire
Spirits of South
Spirits of drive
I thank you
I release you
Blessings and Farewell!
Spirits of Air
Spirits of East
Spirits of knowledge
I thank you
I release you
Blessings and Farewell!
Spirits of Earth
Spirits of North
Spirits of grounding
I thank you
I release you
Blessings and Farewell!
Unwind the circle that you have cast, opening it.
Turn to the altar, and extinguish all the candles.
May the spirit hold what the eye and ear have gained
By the powers of Earth Sea and Sky
I declare the ritual to be complete
That the circle be open yet unbroken
Auf wiedersehen

image from unsplash