An absolutely fascinating journey working with the energy of these wonderful beings. Even to those that have worked with wolves before, this book will likely undercover areas previously hidden or not investigated before.
Rachel Roberts expertly takes the reader on a path of self-discovery. She gently encourages the reader to work with the wolf’s power to uncover their path towards self-acceptance, to be sovereign in their life. The author is encouraging, making suggestions and providing clear explanations and guidance.
The main body of the book starts with a beautiful suggestion for opening sacred space to allow wolf energy into your life. This is followed by nine chapters, divided into three sections. Beginning with discovering wolf, in which the reader is given information about how wolves live, the way their lives have been linked with ours, together with their mythology and folklore.
The next section, knowing wolf, enables the reader to explore the spiritual pathways that can be examined with the aid of this being, giving examples of deities linked to wolves.
Being wolf, the final section, empowers the reader by providing the tools to develop their practice, if they wish, as the author movingly expresses – ‘…you will increase your self-confidence, learn to honour your unique self and celebrate all the ways in which you are and can be wolf – untamed, courageous, and wildly free’.
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