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A Simple Money Spell by Heather

All you will need is a pen and a piece of paper!

If you want to include other correspondences to boost your intention, use green paper or write in green ink, add a candle (either white, green or gold) charged with your intent.  Choose an incense to have burning whilst you undertake your spell working.

As you put pen to paper, visualise whatever it is you want to achieve, see yourself enjoying the feeling of having all your needs met.

Take your paper and draw an upright triangle in the centre, starting at the top, down to the right corner, across to the left corner and back up to the top, this ensures you move clockwise so are attracting energy towards you.

Inside the top of the triangle, write what it is you want to manifest, for example, a new car, a steady income, money to meet all your needs, money to move home, etc..

Next in the base, write the qualities which are needed to achieve your goal, for example, determination, happy work, creativity, support, etc..

In the middle write your name, to direct the energy to you.

Starting at the top point, then right corner, lastly the left corner, write your currency symbol whist saying –

Money come,

Money grow.

Money stack,

Money flow!

Continue to chant this as you write an even larger currency symbol above the top point, then draw a wavy line down to the right corner, scribe a large currency symbol there.  Continue drawing a wavy line to the left corner, draw your larger currency symbol, then take your wavy line back up to the top point.  Doing this represents money and financial security flowing all around you.

You can then further programme your spell by writing affirmations along each side of your triangle, for example, I have everything I need, my job is secure and fulfilling, my creativity is boundless, etc..

Always work in a clockwise direction.

You could also write your currency symbol in each of the inner corners – top, right, left, if you want to add an extra boost to your spell.  You can then place the paper in your purse or wallet; if you own a business, tape it to the cash register, to your computer screen or phone, which ever you use most for your business.

In the book, it is suggested that you renew the spell every year, to keep the energy fresh and flowing!

You can see a chat about this here


Adapted from The Witch's Book of Spellcraft by Jason Mankey, Matt Cavalli, Amanda Lynn, and Ari Mankey.   

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