Every day leading up to the Autumn Equinox, we will be posting ideas of spells, crafts or simply ways to connect with the energies of the Autumn Equinox. Our thanks to Heather for these wonderful ideas..
Toilet Roll Pumpkin
The supplies you will need -
Toilet rolls
Fabric, 18in. x 18in square or fat quarters
Cinnamon sticks for success, healing, power, protection, psychic powers, love, focus, spirituality, change.
Bay leaves for protection, purification, strength, power, healing, creativity, spirituality, psychic powers.
Unwrap your toilet paper roll a few times and wrap it back up, to add more shape to your pumpkin. Place roll in the middle of your square piece of fabric.
Start at one corner of the fabric pull up and push into hole. Work your way around the fabric pushing it into the center hole, use the end of a wooden spoon if needed.
Add your cinnamon sticks and leaves.
Sources -
A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Plants & Herbs by Rachel Patterson